I feel fortunate that the American Robin was not hunted to extinction like the Passenger Pigeon. Now when I see Robins, I’ll have to resist thinking, “Them’s good eating!” Thank you for this eye-opening, thoughtful essay on a favorite creature.
This is fascinating! I'd never heard of robin pie and would have assumed that robins were too small to be worth hunting for meat, but, as with many topics, the history is much more complex when you actually look into it.
I feel fortunate that the American Robin was not hunted to extinction like the Passenger Pigeon. Now when I see Robins, I’ll have to resist thinking, “Them’s good eating!” Thank you for this eye-opening, thoughtful essay on a favorite creature.
This is fascinating! I'd never heard of robin pie and would have assumed that robins were too small to be worth hunting for meat, but, as with many topics, the history is much more complex when you actually look into it.